Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

Worklaxia Unip Lda

  • Category: Brewery

  • Country: Portugal

  • Date:09/11/2016

WORKLAXIA, developed and patented a kit for home beer production using tools present in any kitchen. Under the name "MOP - My Own Production beer" we start in April/2016 the Ale beer 5L kit’s production and marketing, which is easy and fun to prepare for a couple of hours with friends and will be always "my own beer ". The MOPbeer kit consists in a malt Pilsener and Munich mixture fully open grain, hops 1,2,3 and 4, yeast, sanitizing and recipe ... everything else there are in any kitchen at home. The quantities available are the necessary for 5 liters success home beer. Kit beer features: Color - between golden light and dark amber; Foam - good retention ranging from white to pearl; Transparency - slightly cloudy; alcohol content - about 5.2%; Palate - presented with a body ranging from light to medium and moderate carbonation; Customize – each one can do it for their own taste.

Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

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