Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

Maschio Beniamino Srl

  • Category: Distillery

  • Country: Italy

  • Date:06/04/2021

Founded in 1964 in San Pietro di Feletto, the “Beniamino Maschio” is known for the production of quality spirits, grappas and wines.

The company was founded by Beniamino Maschio, custodian of that great family tradition that has linked the name Maschio to grappa for over three centuries. The company is technically at the forefront and is able to bottle both grappas and spirits, as well as various types of liqueurs with its own lines. The assortment includes single-variety grappas (Cabernet, Chardonnay, Moscato, Pinot Grigio, Prosecco, Sauvignon, Chianti, aged Pinot Grappa), together with other niche products such as Amarone, Prosecco and Cartizze grappas (aged for about 3 months in small wild cherry barrels) and the Brenté, from Pinot and Prosecco grappas (aged from 3 to 5 years in oak barrels). To these we add the Refined Moscato Grappa from the Barry Line. To the grappas we add the grape distillates of Pinot / Chardonnay and Manzoni Bianco, Liqueurs with Blueberry, Plum and Limoncello.

Our product range includes: Grappas, Limoncello, Liqueur, Amari, Gin, Vodka, Prosecco De Bernard, Baroque, Bernardino and Spritz Almare.

Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

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Glud Vin

Category: Wine Wholesaler
Country: Denmark

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