Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

The Speyside Vodka Company Ltd - Snawstorm Spirits

  • Category: Distillery

  • Country: United Kingdom

  • Date:06/05/2021

The Speyside region of Scotland is best known for producing some of the best single malt whiskies in the world. Distilled in small batches using a blend of the finest grain and Speyside malted barley spirit, combined with pure Cairngorm spring water to create our unique and incredibly smooth small batch spirits.

The award winning Snawstorm Scottish Vodka - By using a combination of the finest spirit and purest water to make our Vodka, we don’t believe it requires any further processing or filtration. Clean and crisp on the palate with subtle caramel undertones and a fruity twist coming from the single malt barley spirit used in our distillation process. With the soft, smooth texture retained it’s perfect for long drinks, cocktails or served neat over ice.

The award winning Snawstorm Scottish Gin - A Juniper-led highland dry gin distilled in small batches using a blend of grain, malted barley spirit and pure Cairngorm spring water. 11 Botanicals including Juniper, Coriander seeds, Angelica root, Lemon peel, Cubeb, Scots pine needles, Fresh lime peel, Almonds, Liquorice root, Cassia bark & Orange combine to create this clean, crisp and exceptionally smooth traditional gin.

Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

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