Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

Grand Cru Cellar

  • Category: Wine Importer

  • Country: China

  • Date:31/12/2018

Family-run importer, distributor and wholesaler of wines & spirits that provides most services that retail wine stores offer but at a much favourable price. In the beginning, Franky was a concert pianist, busy performing and teaching; studying and collecting wine started as just a leisure interest. But as his love for and knowledge of wine grew, so did his reputation in the wine industry. First, it was his friends who asked for help in wine purchase and his wife Pearl co-hosting wine dinners to share their appreciation of wine with others. Then, more and more people approached Franky with wine requests and questions. In 1999, supported by popular demands, Franky’s transition from his old musical life to the sea of wine was completed: Grand Cru Cellar was officially founded for full-time wine importation, distribution and wholesale services.

Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

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