Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

Azuma Co., Ltd.

  • Category: Wine Importer

  • Country: Japan

  • Date:11/02/2019

February 28, 1891 Ichihara Tanji founded, business liquor on 1 yen in Tokyo Taisho 7th November 3rd November 3rd Ichihara Eiichi Inheritance, focusing on the same business Expansion sales


Showa 18

Distribution station for wartime control

Showa 22

Along with the cancellation of the control order, it becomes a business liquor alcoholic wholesaler.

September 14, Showa 25

Established Azumaya Co., Ltd. Capital 500,000 yen

February 28, Showa 41

President and Representative Director Eiichi Ichihara assumed inauguration as director of Ichihara Teruyo Chronology Table on the same day due to death

Heisei June 1st

Changed to Azuma Co., Ltd.

Heisei era 2000 year March

Wine importer Le Van Vivant launched

October 2003

Name change from wine importer Le Van Vivan to Azuma Corporation

Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

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