Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

Shindong Wine Co, Ltd.

  • Category: Wine Importer

  • Country: South Korea

  • Date:28/08/2017

Shindong Wine is an exclusive wine import company that has an exclusive contract with world-famous winery representing each region.

Since its founding in 1991, it has been a leader in domestic wine culture, providing top quality wines at reasonable prices is our top priority. We provide consistent service from carefully selected suppliers to high-quality wine import, storage, sales and training to give customers the belief that "if you are a wine imported by Shindong wine, you can trust it."

With a top-quality wine portfolio, Shindong Wines has an annual meeting place where wine producers and customers can meet and breathe and consulting and education programs are conducted by employees with expertise in wine.


Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

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