Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners


  • Category: Wine Wholesaler

  • Country: Panama

  • Date:28/08/2017

The history of Varela Hermanos S. A. dates back to 1908 when Don Jose Varela Blanco, a young Spanish immigrant, founded in Pesé "Ingenio San Isidro", the first sugar mill in the newly formed Republic of Panama.

The town of Pesé, established in the middle of the eighteenth century, is located in a fertile valley in central Panama, where the main activity of its population of about 10,000 inhabitants is cultivating sugar cane.

Years later, Don José agreed to the wishes of his 3 older children, José Manuel, Plinio, and Julio, and began the distillation of the juice of the cane for liquor production,  distinguished since the beginning for products of extraordinary quality.

Since then, Varela Hermanos S. A. has maintained the lead in the Panamanian liquor industry, and today produces approximately 1.6 million cases annually, representing 90% of the national and imported liquors market. The company employs 700 permanent workers, with functions ranging from the cutting of the cane to the promotion and sale of the finished products.

Today, almost a century after Don José began operations in Pesé, a third generation following the same family tradition leads Varela Hermanos S. A., the main liqueur industry in Panama. With a solid production infrastructure and the passion and dedication of all the personnel who work in the company, we prepare ourselves for a greater presence in the international market as exporters of most fine liqueurs and rums.

Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

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