Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners


  • Category: Winery

  • Country: Italy

  • Date:09/12/2016

Family business with more of 50 years of history. 160 ha of property vineyards. One of the biggest organic winery in North of Italy. Focus od Organic Prosecco and Pinot Grigio. Exporters in more than 25 countries. Really high quality wines, with beautiful and eye-attractive packaging, and really good rate price. Young team, really smart, looking at the future of brand and markets. Certify by BioAgricert and Valoritalia, as Organic wine and Vegan too. Certify IFS. Also producers of unfiltered and raw wines, with modern packaging. Mostly looking for Importers and distributors and retail chains.

Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

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