Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

Ottovini Societa SRL Agricola

  • Category: Winery

  • Country: Italy

  • Date:07/11/2020

Passion, entrepreneurship and perfectionism form the ideal terroir for quality. Add the noble nebbiolo grape with its authentic Italian temperament and you get a perfect blend for a top-notch wine. Taste the result of a long quest 8 friends embarked on, in search of the ultimate balance between power and elegance.

In the north of Piedmont, at the foot of Monte Rosa are the vineyards with the highest-sounding appellation: Bramaterra. there the noble nebbiolo of La Valigia matures at the crossroads of cool nountain air and warm country air. Let your senses get carried away by velvet taninnes, a hint of cocoa, dark red fruit and sweet spices with a long finish. Travel through your senses.

Sommeliers Choice Awards 2024 Winners

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